The Classic Fingerprint Necklace | Diamond Chain

Little Snugglets
In Stock
18k Gold Vermeil
  • 18k Gold Vermeil
  • 18k Rose Gold Vermeil
  • Silver
  • 9k Solid Gold
  • 14k Solid Gold
Yes (I need a kit)
  • Yes (I need a kit)
  • No (I already have a fingerprint)


***For engraving seen on TIKTOK, add the initial & DOB into the notes section when you ADD TO CART***

Feel forever connected to a special person or moment in your life. 

Introducing our Signature Classic Fingerprint Necklace.

Diamond engraved with a single fingerprint, our Classic Fingerprint Necklace comes complete with a complimentary initial or name engraving for extra meaning.

Each precious metal pendant is locally engraved in Hampshire with exceptional craftsmanship, and suspended from an elegant diamond chain, made by our artisans in Italy. Designed for daily wear as a luxury statement piece.


Our jewellery is a one-of-a-kind gift (for yourself or someone else) that captures the intricate fingerprint of your newborn baby, husband, child, mother, or to commemorate a loved one’s life.

Celebrate special moments and hold them forever close to your heart, with this unique piece of jewellery.

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