LittleSnugglets™ None Slip Baby Shoes

Little Snugglets
In Stock
US 4.5
  • US 4.5
  • US 5
  • US 6
  • US 6.5
  • US 7
  • US 7.5
  • US 8
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Grey
  • Pink


Say goodbye to nasty slips & falls, endless tantrums, and countless lost pairs 👋 and meet...

Premium Comfort & Insane Convenience With 2 Tiny Feet Shoe-Socks

Just slip them on in the morning and have peace of mind all day knowing:

✔️ Your little one has footwear specially designed for uptimal learning and healthy, natural development

✔️ They can confidently cruise, walk, play, and run indoors and outdoors

✔️ Your kiddo’s feet are kept warm and free from cuts, injuries, and discomfort

✔️ They’re easy to put on and actually stay on!

✔️ And that they’re easy to clean (machine-washable!) no
matter how dirty they get

Support their precious first steps with the safest, healthiest, most comfy footwear!

We've changed lives of nearly 60,000 parents & little ones worldwide! Are you next?

Easy to Clean

Fully machine washable! Simply throw them in with your normal load

Boost Their Confidence, Keep Them Supported

Give them stability & confidence as they learn & take those first wobbly steps


Support Natural & Healthy Development

Designed, tested & trusted by leading US Podiatrists!

Easy On, Easy Off, And They Stay On!

Finally! A pair they will love & happily leave on all day! 1000's Fell In Love On The First Wear! 💛

Said 2 Tiny Feet are the only shoes or socks their child will comfortably wear & leave on

Said our Pre-Walkers signficantly improved the confidence & stability of their first-time walkers!

Highly recommended 2 Tiny Feet & rated us 4.55 stars or higher!

* Results according to clinical/consumer studies. For more information refer to each product page.

The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts - and it is our responsibility to protect them! With these first walker baby mesh shoes, your little bundle of joy won't only enjoy protection and safety but also a good sense of fashion.

  • Closure Type: Slip-On
  • Shoe upper material: Mesh
  • Sole Material: Rubber


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