Baby Educational Toys for Early Education

Little Snugglets
SKU: CJWJWJYZ08543-Parents
In Stock
  • Parents
  • Peekaboo
  • Black and white jungle
  • KT tail
  • Jungle tail
  • Monkey
  • Boy
  • Farm
  • Dinosaur
  • Goodnight
  • Furry tail
  • Black and white farm
  • Garden
  • Glacier
  • Ocean


The color is bright, which can especially attract the baby's attention, and the function is very powerful, including: English learning, geographical recognition, tactile, visual, brainpower... can almost exercise all the baby's senses, The painting style in the book is very hapy, funny and cute

The fabric is comfortable, soft, not afraid of tearing, scared, easy to clean and fold.
Non-toxic environmental protection, no harm to the baby; nose breathing, sniffing absolutely safe; to avoid the smell of plastic products; not easy to dust, away from turmoil. Protect your baby's best playmate.


Material: coarse texture textile fabric
Applicable age: babies over 0 months
Cleaning method: hand wash at room temperature, hang to dry; do not bleach, do not wash, do not dry clean
Size: 16*15cm

Package Content:

1 x Early Education Toy





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